Easy Tennis Play
A new and intuitive method for
quickly improve your tennis
" I'm Roberta Franco, I'm 40 years old, I've been playing tennis since I was 7 years old. I was born with a hemiparesis ( from childbirth ) on the right foot and I grew up in the 80s, with the passion of tennis in the heart. My dream was to become No. 1 of the world, but at the time my “ uniqueness and / or diversity “ was seen as an obstacle for the practice of sport.
I have shelved tennis for about 17 years. In 2013, due to a number of circumstances I started playing again. I started taking lessons again: at the second lesson, the teacher who was following me, at my request to “ improve my backhand “ replies: “ Roby, you know that for your foot, you can't get “ too much.
This event prompted me to change teacher, I had already heard about Mihai Nicolaescu for some time: The master who does “ miracles “. One day, it was late September 2014, I decide to make an appointment for a lesson. Arrived at the camp I begin by saying: “ Hi, pleasure, I am Roberta Franco, I am 32 years old and was born with a childbirth hemiparesis ( fireplace and I run with my right foot inwards ) my goal is to be able to win a IV category tournament.
He replies: “ Hi Roberta, the limit is only a mental question “.
Since 2014 I have been training with him. In my competitive period I broke a meniscus, I became 3.4, and I am currently a 2 degree FIT tennis instructor, and 1 degree of Beach tennis and Padel.
The master's ability is to develop the best part of you, and it makes the biomechanics of shots clear and simple, managing to make you play natural, fluid tennis, which helps a lot to prevent injuries.
Master Mihai has accentuated human skills, is empathetic, understands the student's difficulties and moods and has high pedagogical skills: he manages to explain the same blow to different people, with different ways and times of learning.
During the lesson he devoted himself completely to your tennis, there are no downtime, most of the time, it is we students who ask for breaks.
And ’ careful, meticulous, his challenge is to find the right solution for each of us.
In my case, it is as if he had lifted the veil present on my eyes. I started to get clear, and to understand when I was wrong ( and I'm wrong ) what's wrong. I learned to do self-analysis even during the games, it taught me to be aware of the shots and to “ perceive me “ while I play. I am present to myself, it taught me to be focused on the field.
You are 10 years old, or 40, or 70, or 80, he dedicates the same commitment and attention to you because he loves tennis and strongly believes that anyone , even the person who thinks he is the most uncoordinated in the world can play tennis.
I have the firm intention of continuing to train with him, because at each lesson I add an extra piece and learn something about both tennis and myself.
If you too cannot get results that you have always wanted, if you want to improve your tennis and increase the fun, I strongly advise you to create your account here and book the first lesson with him: I am convinced that you will not regret it!!!! "

Roberta F.

Mina DL.
" Professionalism, preparation, empathy, availability, creativity are the characteristics that distinguish Master Mihail. Each lesson always has a clear, realistic and achievable goal, which is why you feel satisfied with each lesson.
His positive and optimistic attitude, his attention to detail and the tailor-made lessons ” allow you to improve lesson after lesson. Careful to evaluate everyone's levels and to calibrate lessons in order to make them balanced. He never loses sight of us, and monitors every mistake, ready to correct us with valuable advice. Every time I finish a lesson I can't wait for the next one to arrive.
Another important thing is the athletic aspect of the lessons, never flat, indeed, beautiful intense. When moments of discouragement or setbacks happen, he manages to give you both physical and emotional support. "
" There are only 3 of the adjectives that make me think of Master Mihail. Tennisically, he has extraordinary technical skills and has the great advantage of being able to transmit them to anyone, from the child who approaches tennis, to the adult who wants to play on an amateur level, to the most experienced agonist. At the end of each lesson, you come out enriched: if you made mistakes, it was explained to you where you were wrong, so that you can become aware of it, work on it and improve yourself. The beauty of Master Mihail is that he manages to bring out the best in each pupil, without ever making him feel inadequate and always finds the key to putting him in a position to play his best tennis. I would recommend it a thousand times and never change it with any other teacher. "

Frances S.
" Very kind good evening, it really makes me happy to share the important personal and sporting training experience that I am lucky enough to have with Maestro Mihail Nicolaescu. In particular, your great ability to identify and read the individual technical and behavioral problems of each student, and guide them progressively to improve and solve them! Through a training and serious teaching project, applied, aimed at the mental and technical growth of the pupil, who without forcing or practical standardization manages to put to good use a total tennis progress. Personally I am very happy to have entrusted myself to a person who is not only professionally very prepared but also patient, polite and serious,in short, with Maestro Mihail you can only have excellent results! Always attentive to every need that can make the tennis and personal growth of each of us students better. In faith Mino Romano "

Mino R.
" Hi, I'm Danilo. Although I am no longer a boy ( I am 48 years old ) I have always wanted to improve my tennis. I had the opportunity to enrich my technical background by attending several tennis schools in the last ten years . I kept changing without understanding what I was really looking for at the mercy of my eternal dissatisfaction. Three years ago I decided to change again. I had the luck and pleasure of running into Mihail who with the utmost seriousness and honesty proposed to me a path, far from simple, aimed at achieving a goal …make my tennis more current or if you want modern. My doubts? “ How much can it be stimulating for a teacher to work with a 48-year-old man whose maximum ambition could be more than one turn per tpra? ”,“ Will you want to devote yourself to such an unambitious project? ”.
Ready away. Change of handle, topspin, twist of the trunk ... baskets and baskets of balls and a manic attention to detail. A new movement built through the decomposition of the same and the subsequent reassembly according to new logics and surprising exercises. As for Master's motivation ... it surprised me how much more than I had ... you will ask me “ how is it possible? ”.Simple!Love is always the key to everything. The love for tennis, the love for teaching and above all the love for their students. My path? It proceeds with determination and enthusiasm, I increasingly want to improve and it is clear I have my weekly hour and I have no intention of giving it to anyone. Thanks Mihail "
" I started playing tennis again after years of inactivity, from which I carried a series of incorrect settings in the fundamentals, that Maestro helped me correct from the first lesson. Mihail was able, thanks to small but precious suggestions and tricks, to give me the right tips to improve my approach to the game and my basic technique. Thanks to Maestro I discovered how, by correctly applying the basic principles of fundamentals, my shots could work as they should and much better! I find that the lessons are well set: in addition to the technique, work is done on the game schemes, guaranteeing a profitable workout in an hour. I must say that in about 8 months I have improved a lot and I am very happy with what has been done so far.I think I still have ample room for improvement and I am convinced that I can grow a lot thanks to the lessons of the Maestro. I recommend the Mihail school because I think he is truly a Master in getting everyone's best! If you want to learn how to play or improve your tennis, you just have to start. "

Pasquale M.
" Good morning everyone,my name is Antonio I am an amateur tennis player. I met the master Mihail back in 2010 thanks to a friend and from that moment on I have not left him anymore and still today I go to train with him to face the Tpra tournaments. By teaching with mihail I improved a lot in the fundamentals especially in the law that I now do in the top after so many workouts and tips,yes, because with mihail we talk about technique that observes with great attention but also about many tips on how to behave in the game and for every question I ask him he always answers referring to technique and movement to be performed. In a nutshell a MAESTRO with a capital M that every pupil would like to have. Trust him and you will not regret it.
Danilo G.
Anthony R.

M. Esposito
"I met Maestro Mihail 4 years ago with the desire to play tennis at a good level. Before teaching you to play, the teacher teaches you to love this wonderful sport and does it through the progress you achieve daily thanks to his teachings. The thing that struck me about Mihail is that for each of its students it draws the steps to take before reaching perfection in the blows. Each workout is different for each. He designs it specifically for each player. It breaks down every single movement and, to every part of the body, attributes the right function and importance for correct execution. It is precisely through his method and his continuous improvement that you can no longer do without loving this sport and putting his teachings into practice on the field..
Thanks Master!!! "
" I gladly leave my testimony here to gather my experience of learning about this sport discovered only for a couple of years. I started my experience in tennis by chance, teaching in a tennis center in Bari and, for my way of being impatient, I stopped believing myself already capable. Wrong, given some occasional victory, I continued to believe it. I did some lessons sporadically around and the way some teachers teach, perhaps because of me, was not compatible with my way of doing, besides noticing any improvement in me. Coincidentally, one year later ( lost ), during a tournament held at the Green Village of Modugno, I personally met Maestro Mihai whom I had heard of from some of his students who also met on other fields.In addition to the testimony on his ability to teach, given the performance of his students, I was able to personally see that Mihai to a tennis teacher, he is a serious person, honest and immense humility. I chose to try some lessons and then completely rely on him. Why do I like learning from Master Mihai?
Some of the reasons:
- is a professional passionate about his job
- the time of the lesson is entirely dedicated to the student
- knows how to observe the movement of his pupil's body but his mind
- understands the student's goal
- he is serious but he smiles willingly at the right time
- talks to you about the mistake to accompany you to the solution
- I find confirmation of what he teaches me during the games
- I leave on time with a smile on my face
I suggest to those who have a little doubt to try a lesson to get to know the man he is, and I suggest doing a small package of lessons to understand that Maestro is Mihai. However, I assure you that already with 5 you will be able to understand its qualities and your tennis progress. "

Roberto F.

Riccardo S. 57 years old
" I started making lessons with Maestro Mihai at the suggestion of a friend about 3 years ago. I was looking for someone who would send me technique and ability to manage the ball in different situations. I had had two experiences previously, with other teachers however I did not feel fully satisfied with the technical skills achieved. When I started the first cycle of lessons with Maestro Mhiai, I understood that there is a different way of transmitting not only the technique but above all the mental state of approaching the ball. Here the master Mhiai has completely dismantled and reassembled me in the technical part. And at my age it is not easy to agree to question what little ( bad ) has been learned over the years.But if I look back and consider the technical level reached and my mental approach to the balls played, I am fully satisfied. Why am I satisfied? Because when I hit the ball with a perfect body movement it's fantastic. When I'm wrong I try to understand what didn't work so I could focus on the next ball. Its strength in the lessons is the repetition of the same movement many times until it becomes natural. Furthermore, the type of empathic / motivational communication used is based on simplicity and continuous metaphors. What are your quotes that got into my head the most? These: “ decontraction, fluidity of movements, shoulders to the net, the ending, now throws the racket as if it were a hammer ... ”.And this awareness made me appreciate more and more the technical gesture that combines beauty and concreteness of the point. Obviously the physique is what he is and must always deal with the various ailments around the corner, but as the master says: “ if you do the movement well, loose, decontracted with the correct rotation of the trunk, physiotherapists can wait ”
" With Mihail tennis becomes closer to your being, for many of us it is one of the reasons for living, but it cannot really become such if your movements are not in harmony with what you would like, namely to transmit the expression of yourself, as body and mind, to the ball and the outside world. This is possible because he is a teacher who knows how to understand you and knows how to give birth to the mental and technical changes that, with continuous work on shots and a detailed comparison with your thoughts and sensations, make your tennis your best part and nion more, as often happens, a spiteful friend or tormented love.
Thanks Master!!! "

Ennio DT

" The master Mihai perseque an innovative teaching method mainly linked to the precise identification of the technique for setting the shots. Furthermore, slavish but important detection of errors in posture and movement. Precious advice resulting from years of experience acquired in the field, which is rare to be found in other teachers. Highly recommended!!! "
Lorenzo P.
" I met Master Mihail thanks to a boy met during a tournament. Already during the dribble I realized that he hit the ball with a technically impeccable movement, both straight and reverse, with strength, rotation and great precision. At the end of the game, clearly won by him, I asked him how long he played. He replied that he hadn't played for long, but he had been lucky enough to meet a very good teacher. To which, driven a little by curiosity and a little by the desire to improve myself as a player, I got in touch with Mihail, to see if his method actually worked with me too. Well I was not disappointed. Already from the first lessons my shots were more fluid and more orderly, thanks to the few but clear advice received. Also to short-term results,I can say that I have achieved a lot even in the long term, thanks to the fact that the teacher always manages to add an extra detail to each workout over time, based on the characteristics of the player. In light of this, I would advise anyone to train with him, regardless of age, gender or goals that everyone wants to achieve. This is because to the great technical-tactical tennis competence, gained surely over the years, I find that he has an innate ability to understand people and adapt his method to each pupil, not a trivial matter if we consider that there is no player like the other. "based on the characteristics of the player. In light of this, I would advise anyone to train with him, regardless of age, gender or goals that everyone wants to achieve. This is because to the great technical-tactical tennis competence, gained surely over the years, I find that he has an innate ability to understand people and adapt his method to each pupil, not a trivial matter if we consider that there is no player like the other. "based on the characteristics of the player. In light of this, I would advise anyone to train with him, regardless of age, gender or goals that everyone wants to achieve. This is because to the great technical-tactical tennis competence, gained surely over the years, I find that he has an innate ability to understand people and adapt his method to each pupil, not a trivial matter if we consider that there is no player like the other. "I find that he has an innate ability to understand people and adapt his method to each pupil, which is no small feat if we consider that there is no player equal to the other. "I find that he has an innate ability to understand people and adapt his method to each pupil, which is no small feat if we consider that there is no player equal to the other. "

Roberto D.

" Dear teacher, I will not write a review on your teaching method. I do not have the presumption, let alone the means to judge the work of a serious and prepared professional as you are. I can only remember with immense pleasure the lessons, sometimes tiring but always exciting, the doubles at the end of the training, the jokes inside and outside the tennis court. Therefore I prefer to take this opportunity to thank you for what you have taught me, for the passion you have transmitted to me for a beautiful and difficult sport as only tennis can be. A huge hug, Mihai, tennis and life teacher. "
Piercarlo L.
" Hi everyone, I could write whole pages on Maestro Mihail's lessons but they would not be enough to describe how much dedication experience and great technical background he brings to the tennis court to teach “ any “ player of “ any “ level with the same seriousness and professionalism and a lot of mental work.
I have been teaching since September last year and the gaps I was carrying have been corrected thanks not only to practical work in the field but above all ( but this is my personal one and subjective evaluation ) in the theoretical explanations on the movements of all parts of the body.
I will continue with him until he bears me!
A big hug!!! "

Adriano C.

" I highly recommend Maestro Mihai to anyone who wants to learn how to play tennis or improve their game. With extreme patience and passion he revolutionized my playing technique, encouraging me to do better and better and teaching me above all never to give up. He believed in me from the first moment and helped me to have more confidence in myself thanks to his valuable advice on the field. I will always be grateful to him!!! "
Nicole P.
" We are very satisfied as the teacher is very competent and an excellent teacher because he immediately manages to identify the mistakes made, providing clear and precise explanations that allow you to better understand the technical devices necessary to improve your game. He also manages to conduct the lesson with great sympathy, transforming the lesson into a fun hour of play! "

Sara and Mario

" The teaching of Maestro Mihail Nicolaescu is very effective, it makes you reflect on the" why "of everything to make you independently reach conscious answers. This, together with knowing how to observe the technical gesture in detail, to the many gimmicks to take you on the right path in the dynamics of movement and not least the fact that he is a very nice person, they generated total trust in me in his teachings. I advise you to take a lesson to understand if it is the path you are looking for. "
Alessandro T.
" Master Mihail is very prepared. For those who want to improve their tennis both from a technical and tactical point of view, I recommend trying to take lessons with him. After trying many teachers, I can say that his teaching methodology is very effective and leads to unexpected improvements. "

Anthony G.
Lamberto L.

" Master Mihai .... I have always appreciated his ability to identify the problems that affected my game and his commitment to their resolution. He managed to straighten a crooked nail like myself. He taught me how to use the bust in straight strokes, the elbow in the service, and what about lessons on the flight game!!! Great teacher and also a very pleasant person. "
" I have worked with the master Mihail for many years and from my experience I can only get great results: he is a serious person, he works hard to cultivate his goals and grow those of the ’ ’ pupil, is very good from a technical point of view and manages to make this sport loved. In addition to being a good teacher, he is a kind and helpful person who always works very hard. "

Lavinia P.

" I had the pleasure of meeting Master Mihail, professional, competent and with the ability to have a complete view of the player ( amateur and agonist ), managing to give specific indications and work to grow on and off the pitch!
I can't wait to resume with lessons 💪 😊 "
Cosma C.
" Both my son Giovanni and I took lessons from the teacher!!! Important and valid experience we received the tennis lessons 🎾 with competence and professionalism!! A beautiful memory!!! "

Giovanni and his mom
Giorgia P.

Master Mihai Nicolaescu
My serious teacher like Federer, precise like Nadal and always careful to correct my incorrect settings that often caused muscle trauma. I recommend it to enthusiasts who want to improve their technique.

Nicola B.